Bootcamp Learning Plan
What is your long term goal and/or career pathway?
My long term goal is to become someone who is reliable and consistent.
I hope to take away my learning from core learning and use it in my daily life.
I've learned how to control my emotions and to think more objectively when I'm making a decision. I've learned that this is a very important velue in life,
because when people get controlled over by emotions, they act emotionally and regret it afterwards.
I hope to take away the learnings of practicing self-awareness and mindfullness and use them in my life after I grduate from Dev Academy.
What do you think your biggest strengths and limitations will be in bootcamp?
I think that my biggest strength will be my eager to learn new things and practice until I get it.
My limitation would be that I'm still not used to taking regular breaks throughout my learning.
I don't take breaks unless I accomplish my goal, which means that if I get stuck on something,
I take a long time to finish it with no breaks.
Looking back at my foundations learning plan, both my strength and limitation has changed;
what my strength was then became my limitation.
I focus too much in one problem which leads to spending hours on a simple problem.
I do understand that bootcamp is very intense, so hopefully I get more used to taking regular breaks so that I don't get overwhelmed.
What do you think you biggest non-tecnhincal challenge at Bootcamp will be?
My non-technical challenge at Bootcamp will be to work in groups.
I've had lots of groups projects from highschool to university, and non of them remained as a good memory.
There always was someone who never reply to messages nor participate in group meetings. So, I always had to put more effort for my group project.
However, I know that Dev Academy is full of passionate people, so I'm really looking forward to work with the people who's got the same passion as me.
What non-technical skills- human skills - would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?
I would like to be able to control my stress and get over the stressful situation easily.
I get stressed a lot when I face a stressful situation and I find it difficult to manage that.
I hope to imporve my self-awareness, especially during stressful situations, so that I have a good, reliable relationship with others around me.
What are your expectations from the Bootcamp team
I expect a very good communication between the staff members and the students especially during Bootcamp.
As Bootcamp is a very intense course, I may face a very difficult time during my learning journey.
Then I would start communicating with the Dev Academy staff about my situation, and if there isn't a response back from the staff member,
I would start to panic and enhance the difficulty of the situation.
What are you expectations of yourself on Bootcamp?
FIrstly, I will always make sure that I have at least 8 hours of sleep everyday, so that I can study productively. I will seek help whenever I can and whenever I have to. I will never waste a lot of time on trying to figure out how to solve a problem on my own. I will also make sure that I get enough breaks, so that I don't stress myself out. I will always make sure that I prepare early for my lectures and my due dates. If I cannot make it, then I will let other students/facilitators know in advance. I will make sure that I always try my best with all of my learnings, so that I take in all of the information. Lastly, I will make sure that I practice self-awareness and empathy, so that I don't act towards others with my hard feelings, and interact with them with empathy.
Foundations Learning Plan
1. What is your long term goal or career pathway?
I would like to achieve my long term goal of becoming a software engineering consultant.
2. A description of your strengths and limitations when it comes to learning
My strength is that I can focus very well when I start studying/learning something, and my limitation would be that I sometimes put too much stress on myself.
3. What skills (non-technical core/human skills) would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?
I would like to develop my problem solving skills, because I often don’t know where to begin when I need to solve the problem.
4. A commitment to how you will manage your workload in this programme. This should include:
o An explanation of how you will manage yourself to work productively and safely with other learners, Facilitators and industry/community representatives
o What you will do when things are building up and starting to get to you
I will try my best to communicate well with other students and facilitators at Dev Academy. I will always try and manage my time to meet the deadlines/meeting times. If I get into a situation where I cannot meet the deadline or attend the meeting, I will always let the group/facilitator know as soon as possible.
When things are building up, I will try and relax first. I will let myself know that I’m not the only one struggling, and try not to put much stress on myself. If it continues to build up, I will ask the facilitators/other students for help.
5. A commitment as to how and where you will seek help in a timely way
I will seek help by connecting with other students or facilitators on discord, before 5pm. If I’m too stressed after 5pm, I’ll take a break to make sure my mental health is ok. If everything settles down, then I’ll continue with the learning with a refreshed brain.
6. A description of what you expect from the Facilitation team
I would like them to always notify us the time of our meeting one day in advance.
7. Any scheduling information such as block-out times when you are committed to other things. For example, you might have whānau commitments like school drop-offs. It's important to plan these in.
I need to have time to exercise, so I will make sure I can fit that into my schedule.