Problem Solving

Blocked on a simple problem

I had a problem when I was doing the 'Gradebook' challenge.
It was when I used dot notation instead of square brackets.
When I got stuck, I looked through all of the resources available on Dev Academy website.
Then I looked through google. I still couldn't find the solution, so I looked throuh Dev Academy discord channel.
Throughout the process, I was very frustrated, because I tried several ways which didn't work.
I learned that it is best for me to move on and then check on the problem again, or take some rest to resh my brain.
This time, I was so focused that I spent hours on this one simple problem.

When I elegantly solved a problem.

I elegantly solved a problem when I was doing the 'FizzBuzz' challenge.
I looked through the challenge, and identified what I had to do to solve the challenge.
Then, I looked through available resources that are helpful for this challenge.
I made sure I used pseudocode, which helped me to list what I had to do step by step
Throughout the process, I was very satisfied with myself, because I went step by step and finally solved the problem.
I learned that it is important to be calm when solving the problem. During this process, I didn't feel much stress, which I think helped me to get through it much quicker.

Reflection on how confident I feel using each of the problem-solving techniques/process

Pseudocode - I still need a lot of practice when writing pseudocode.
Trying something - I feel quite confident on trying something new.
Rubber ducky method - I still need a lot of practice, I don't feel comfortable using this method so I tend not to use it most of the time.
Reading error messages - Throughout sprint 4, I practiced so that I checked all of the error messages that come up during the challenges, so I'm pretty confident in reading the error messages and correcting errors.
Console.logging - I still haven't quite figured out how to use this method with java when it's not available online, so I need to work on it more.
Googling - I've practiced my googling skills of how to google what I need, so I feel quite confident.
Asking your peers for help - I'm still not used to asking the people I don't really know well, so I need to work on this.
Asking coaches for help - I did ask one question this week, but I always try to finish the challenges on my own so I don't ask too many questions to either other friends or facilitators.
Improving your process with reflection - Throughout reflection, I look back at what I did and didn't do throughout the challenge. This helps me what I'm doing good and what I'm not good at doing. With this information, I use it during the next sprint so that I improve on the things I'm lacking on.